MacArtney responds to growing Gulf of Mexico SubConn® demand

SubConn distributors macartney group

Empowered by the accession of experienced underwater technology professionals Scott Allen and Jacobo Aguilar, MacArtney Inc. has launched a major upgrade of sales and support efforts to back existing and potential SubConn®customers in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) area.

Scott Allen, a newly appointed items sales manager will be heading a dedicated SubConn® support team, aiming to secure customers rapid and convenient access to the full SubConn® underwater connector range. With more than 13 years of experience, Scott Allen brings in extensive insight and knowledge of the GOM offshore oil and gas sector, drilling and production.

Jacobo Aguilar has been with MacArtney for several years and brings expert technical knowledge about SubConn®connectors to the sales team.

MacArtney Inc. President Lars Hansen, is very pleased with the new setup and explains that MacArtney is definitely experiencing a need to expand its support for a progressively growing SubConn®and MacArtney product marketplace in the GOM area. According to Lars Hansen, the increased support efforts will, in turn, also benefit customers of MacArtney's new offices in the Pacific Northwest and on the Californian West Coast, offering access to extended stock and support.

Finally, Lars Hansen explains that the venture to further support customers of SubConn®connectors is also intended to positively influence sales and support of other state-of-the art MacArtney Underwater Technology products and system solutions, such as Mac API and OptoLink connectors, slip rings, mouldings, terminations, winches, multiplexers and cables, on the US market.



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