Large frame agreement between AGR Subsea and MacArtney Norway

winch MERMAC lars engineering

The MacArtney Group is pleased to announce that our subsidary, MacArtney Norway and AGR has signed a frame agreement for the delivery of a series of purpose built combined winch & handling systems for AGRs Riserless Mud Recovery (RMR) systems.

MacArtney Norway and AGR have a long standing cooperation, where AGR since 2000, has taken delivery of more than 20 purpose built Winch and Launch & Recovery systems of which more than 10 have been designed for use with AGRs MRM system. The new frame agreement has a value of approximately NOK 70 Mio. and covers the delivery of up to 13 complete Winch and handling systems including slip rings, cables and cable terminations, over the next 3 years. The agreement also includes a 3 year service contract for the Winch systems.

MacArtney Norway is a subsidary of the MacArtney Underwater Technology Group. MacArtney Norway is located i Stavanger in Norway. The company employs approx. 25 people and the turnover is expected to be NOK 180 Mio. in 2007. The MacArtney Group is supplying turn-key underwater technology systems to the offshore Oil & Gas market.

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