Environmental Monitoring, Remote Sensing & Pollution Control

TRIAXUS instrumentation rotv ctd ocean science system integration engineering winch

This photo was taken onboard the University of Minnesota's R/V Blue Heron. The ship, on Lake Superior, was heading for sea trials of a Triaxus remotely operated towed vehicle system, with a complete deck handling system that included a winch, tow cable, deck cables and an overboarding sheave. The system will be used in conjunction with existing equipment for making high-resolution 3D surveys of temperature, salinity, transparency, phytoplankton concentration and current in the Great Lakes. The winch and Triaxus were developed by the MacArtney Underwater Technology Group (Esbjerg, Denmark). (Photo courtesy of Hans-Jorgen Hansen.)

COVER Sea Technolgy
September 2006 Volume 47, No. 9

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