DIDSON Sale for Fisheries Research

fishery data acquisition

MacArtney has recently sold a standard 300m rated DIDSON sonar to the Environmental Agency (EA) for England and Wales. The DIDSON (Dualfrequency IDentification SONar) system is a unique high-definition sonar that uses acoustic lenses to make almost photographic quality images in dark, turbid and environmentally unfriendly waters.

The DIDSON sonar is the second system to be bought by the EA and will be used in addition to their existing system for futher investigations into fish behaviour, tracking and counting.

The DIDSON technology allows for monitoring, evaluating fish behaviour studies at night in turbid water, where optical systems are ineffective. The advantage of the DIDSON over video for observation is that DIDSON can observe fish with sufficient detail at greater distances compared to video camera systems and the DIDSON sonar technology does not modify the behaviour of the fish.

The DIDSON system is made by Sound Metrics Corporation (SMC) in the United States of America we at MacArtney A/S are their agents for the DIDSON product in the Northern European market area.

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