Denmark to build new wind energy farm

macartney group marine renewable energy

Danish parliament approval of plans to build the country’s largest offshore wind farm is an important move in meeting the 30% renewable energy target set for 2020.

The wind turbine park in the Kattegat sea area around the Danish Jutland peninsular will produce 400mW and supply enough electricity for 400,000 houses.

The project is expected to be completed in just 2-3 years and is another move in changing the face of electricity supply from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy.

Danish underwater technology company, MacArtney A/S, welcomes the move:“The new wind farm is being built in Anholt, which is very close to our headquarters in Denmark. Winds coming in off the North Sea are ideal for capturing wind energy.

Turbines in Denmark already produce around 24% of national electricity production1 and this new wind farm will bring the country closer to the renewable energy production target for 2020,” explained Marco MacArtney, Sales and Marketing Director for the MacArtney Group.

The MacArtney Underwater Technology Group has been working with the offshore renewable energy sector for 10 years and provides advice, engineering, products and services for a wide range of renewable energy solutions worldwide.

1Key figures for Denmark, 2008 from Energistyrelsen, the Danish Energy Agency

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