POLLUTEC 2023 (Visitor)

Where: Lyon Eurexpo
When: Oct. 10 - Oct. 13, 2023
Pollutec-2023 logo top banner.jpg

The exhibition area dedicated to sea and coastline. 

With the combination of an exhibition space, multiple conferences and debates, Bluetec sea & coastline will allow local authorities, economic and industrial stakeholders to meet, exchange and find solutions to:

  • Reduce their environmental impact
  • Prevent and limit the degradation of coastal and marine environments
  • Adapt their development towards resilience
  • Accelerate the ecological and energetic transition of maritime activities


Meet MacArtney

We will visit BLUETEC - POLLUTEC 2023, and you are welcome to contact us for a meeting.

| Arnaud VINEL, Business Development Manager


Details about the event  


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