International Military-Technical Forum "ARMY-2016" (Tetis Pro Visitor)

Where: Moscow, Russia
When: Sep. 6 - Sep. 11, 2016

International military-technical forum "ARMY-2016" will be held in the new modern pavilions of the Patriot Congress and Exhibition Centre. The Forum's exposition will be located in the halls and on open sites with a total area over 200,000 sq m. Activities of the congress program will be held in conference halls with capacity from 50 to 1000 seats.

International military-technical forum “Army-2016” is:

• the main exhibition event in Russia in the field of armament, military equipment and comprehensive support of the armed forces and other security agencies;

• the maximum range of the export potential of Russian high-tech military products, represented in the form of natural samples on static display and in action on land, water and in the sky;

• effective form of interaction between representatives of business circles of the world military-technical sphere;

• the most favorable conditions for participation in static display and dynamic program including combat shooting.

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