Coastal Zone Canada conference 2023 (Exhibitor)

Where: Victoria, Canada
When: Jun. 11 - Jun. 15, 2023

Connecting Canadians with the Coast

Join the Coastal Zone Canada Conference and share your passion for advancing scientific and traditional knowledge, engineering, social and policy awareness and best practices of coastal zone management issues across Canada.

The conference will emphasize the increasing importance of building a greater connection to the oceans and coastal zone environments as we address hazards associated with a changing climate and increasing development and resource pressures.

Furthermore, CZC2023 is officially endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade.

The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) (‘the Ocean Decade’) seeks to generate ocean science knowledge to reverse the decline of the state of the ocean system and catalyse new opportunities for sustainable development of this massive marine ecosystem. As an endorsed Activity of the Ocean Decade, CZC2023 will contribute to Decade objectives by bringing together management professionals and community members to promote understanding and management of inter-related human activities and natural environments, physical processes and living and non-living resources within Canada's coastal zone.

Meet MacArtney

MacArtney has been connecting oceans of knowledge for 45 years with the aim to stay current on underwater technology topics and challenges. The Coastal Zone Canada Conference is an important place for us to be. To learn and discuss next generation technology and meet old and new connections.

At the exhibition you'll meet:

  • Don Bryan | General Manager, MacArtney Inc., Pacific Northwest Operations

The venue is Victoria Conference Centre. The conference runs from June 11 to June 15 2023.

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